Bass Sod Farm offers residential and commercial sod.
Turf-Type Tall Fescue/Bluegrass Blend, Zeon Zoysia, Common Bermuda
1) Turf-Type Tall Fescue/Bluegrass Blend:
Virginia-certified, most common
Adds curb appeal with vibrant blue/green coloring
Stays green/holds color for mostly year-round
Tough in nature—heavy foot traffic durability/resistant
Well-rounded, shade/sun, cold/hot weather
2) Zeon Zoysia:
Very low-maintenance
Once established—flourishes with minimal water, mowing & fertilizing, minimal chance of weeds, insects, disease
Drought tolerant, incredibly durable
Sod or sprigs
Warm season grass—tolerant to extreme heat, goes dormant (turns a browner shade) during autumn and winter months
3) Common Bermuda:
Low-maintenance, budget-friendly
Warm season grass—tolerant to extreme heat, goes dormant (turns a browner shade) during autumn and winter months
Sod or sprigs